Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Exercise 1, Ch 5

After the first quote she uses, she jumps right into her own views.  By her using the phrase, "if only that were true,..."  It pretty much is a good indicator that she is going to share her ideas.  There was another phrase when she uses, "it seems".  This, for me, signaled that it isn't her ideas.  Then there is an entire paragraph were the reader knows that it's only her talking and expressing herself throught the use of "I".  

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ch 4 Exercise 1

After reading the passage, I think she disagrees with the authors.  She said that there has been little to no attempt to investigate the differences of school knowledge in England, France, and the United States of America.  She says that the article only looks into the differences in student work in the classroom.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


To me, the layout resembles an essay with pictures embedded in it.  The font of the essay is typical, Times New Roman.  The pictures help draw in people to read it, by providing colorful pictures.  In fact, when I first opened up to the reading the first thing I noticed was the picture and then the title.  I feel the audience will spend more time skimming the reading then actually reading it because there is so much text.  I feel like I spent more time finding how the pictures connected with the reading more than actually finding the point of the essay.  Without any of the pictures, I think it would hurt the paper.  It would look bland and have no appeal at all.