Saturday, January 24, 2009

Essay R

Well after reading this essay I would not give it a grade any higher than a D.  I really did not think it was that great.  When I'm reading an essay I think there should be a thesis in the introductory paragraph.  This essay doesn't really have one.  Also, if it's a research paper he should have more than one source.  How can I believe any of the information he gave me was credible?  It could all just be opinionated.  And even with his one source, it's from the Internet which is not always reliable.  I think this kid really needs to work on his writing and research abilities and realize that there is a lot more resources out there than just the Internet.  I think I might be too kind giving him the grade he got because he was not following what was asked of him.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your grade, i think everyone else is being alil too easy on this author
